"Clarence Thomas and the Right to Life," Society of Catholic Social Scientists National Conference. Stuebenville, OH. October, 2021.
“Clarence Thomas’s Higher Law Jurisprudence: Revisiting the Confirmation Hearings 30 Years Later,” Midwest Political Science Association (virtual). April, 2021.
“Synchronous Learning in Plato’s Phaedrus,” Association for Core Texts and Courses Annual Conference (virtual). April, 2021.
"Clarence Thomas’s Higher Law Alternative to Common-Good Constitutionalism." Society of Catholic Social Scientists. Steubenville, OH. October, 2020.
"The New Legitimacy: Reasons for Partisanship in Judicial Confirmation Hearings." Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, IL. April, 2020 (canceled due to COVID).
“Alfarabi’s Teaching on the Study of Politics.” Association of Core Texts and Courses. Framingham, MA. April, 2018.
“Liberty in the Church from Leo XIII to Francis: Comparing Two Papal Views.” Society of Catholic Social Scientists. Steubenville, OH. October, 2017.