Sometimes applicants wonder about the other students with whom they will study, asking themselves, "What are they like?" One way to answer that question is a campus visit while classes are in session. This affords you the opportunity to attend available classes and also interact with students outside the classroom, hearing firsthand about their experiences in and perspectives on our program. Let us know if you would like to visit.

Another way to answer that question is to peruse the student profiles. Their undergraduate studies have often involved politics, government, philosophy, and history, but many of our students and alumni also pursued earlier degrees in other areas: accounting, mathematics, literature, religion, economics, business, nursing, biology, management, the classics, journalism, international relations, music, and the liberal arts. Our students come from all over the United States and from a few foreign countries. Some matriculate directly from earlier academic studies and others join us either midway through or after pursuing a career. Some are single and others are married. Some are parents to young children. A few of our students have even had children who were in college themselves. What tends to unite our varied students is a strong interest in our First Principles approach to the study of politics coupled with an appreciation of an academic culture disposed towards serious, rigorous study with the corollary development of classical friendships.