M.A. Student
GSS Secretary, Spring 2025
B.A. Kent State University, Integrative Studies in Physics and Political Science
“I knew that I did not want a traditional ‘political science’ program, but one which engaged seriously with great thinkers and their works.”
Hailing from Cleveland, OH, Jameson studied physics and political science at Kent State University, where he developed a strong interest in American constitutional law. After graduating, he interned for the New Civil Liberties Alliance and then worked for the Heritage Foundation's Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, where he published academic articles on originalism, the separation of powers, and the Fourteenth Amendment. He intends to attend law school and pursue a career in public-interest litigation.
With GianCarlo Canaparo, "Equal Protection and Racial Categories." 34 George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal 225, 2024.
"What Originalism Must Take from the Common Good." Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy Per Curiam 2022: 1-11.
"Taken for Granted? SEC Implied For-Cause Removal Protection and Its Implications." 39 Yale Journal on Regulation: Notice and Comment (2022).