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John W. Grant

Associate Professor of Politics, Chair of the Politics Department

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B.A. Political Science and History, Eureka College, 1994

M.A. Politics, University of Dallas, 1997

Ph.D. Politics, University of Dallas, 2009


Earhart Fellowship

Publius Fellowship

Jack Miller Center Fellow

Olin Fellowship

Conference Presentations

“Total War, Political Warriors, and the National Security State,” presented at Michigan Political Science Association, October 2023.

Presenter for panel on the Monroe Doctrine, National Association of Scholars, July 2021.

“Politics and Art in Solzhenitsyn’s In the First Circle,” Association of Core Texts and Courses, April 2019.

“Managing the World: US Foreign Policy since World War II,” presented at Michigan Political Science Association, October 2018.

“Rawlsian Liberalism as the Principal Cause of the Decline in the Constitution in Our Time,” presented at Philadelphia Society, April 2017.

Roundtable Discussion on Leo Strauss on Religion, Morality, and Politics, American Political Science Association, September 2016.

“Aristotle on the Socratic Teaching that Virtue is Knowledge,” Association of Core Texts and Courses, April 2016.

Roundtable Discussion on The Progressive Origins of Today’s Liberalism, American Political Science Association, September 2013.

Roundtable Discussion on Harry V. Jaffa’s Thomism and Aristotelianism, American Political Science Association, September 2011.

“Leo Strauss’s Critique of the Traditional Natural Law Doctrine,” Northeastern Political Science Association, November 2010.

Roundtable Discussion on Leo Strauss and Eric Voegelin, American Political Science Association, September 2010.

“Leo Strauss on the Natural Law and the Theological-Political Problem,” Southwest Political Science Association, March 2010.

“Leo Strauss’s Locke: The Difficulties of the Natural Law,” Northeastern Political Science Association, November 2009.

Courses Taught

POL 101: U.S. Constitution

POL 202: American Political Thought

POL 211: Classical Political Philosophy

POL 212: Modern Political Philosophy I

POL 220 / 511: American Foreign Policy

POL 313 / 414 / 505: Christianity and Politics

POL 319 / 510: World Politics/International Politics

POL 319 / 527: The Modern State

POL 414 / 506 / 701: The Natural Law

POL 415 / 603: Medieval Political Philosophy

POL 416 / 525 / 725: Nietzsche

POL 421: Justice Among Nations

POL 431 / 516: Marx, Russia, and Solzhenitsyn

POL 511: War & Politics after World War II

POL 602: Aristotle

POL 604: Early Modern Political Philosophy

POL 703: Politics and Religion

Honors 255: C.S. Lewis

Honors 255: Medieval Jewish Philosophy

Honors 257: Job and C.S. Lewis

Collegiate Scholars 251: Xenophon’s Memorabilia

Selected Publications

Theodore Roosevelt, Imperial Uplift, and the Transformation of American Foreign Policy.” Pietas, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Fall 2023): 51-80.

Jaffa’s Thomism and Aristotelianism After 70 Years.” Pietas, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Fall 2022): 72-79.

Review of James Carey's Natural Reason and Natural Law: An Assessment of the Straussian Criticisms of Thomas Aquinas. Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy, Vol. 46, No.2 (Spring 2020): 339-344.

"Eric Voegelin and Leo Strauss on the Natural Law,” Voegelin View, February 12, 2020.

“William Howard Taft on America and the Philippines: Equality, Natural Rights, and Imperialism,” in Toward an American Conservatism: The Birth of Constitutional Conservatism during the Progressive Era, ed. Joseph Postell and Jonathon O’Neill. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013: 121-150.