True False

Samuel Lair

Ph.D. Candidate

Reno, Nevada

Director of the Center for American Education, Idaho Freedom Foundation


B.A. University of Nevada, Reno, Political Science, 2019

M.A. Hillsdale College, Politics, 2022

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“From the foundations of Western political thought to the development of the administrative state, Hillsdale College provides its students with an unparalleled survey of the American regime and Western civilization.”


Samuel is the Director of the Center for American Education at the Idaho Freedom Foundation. He is a former research associate with the Kenny Guinn Center for Policy Priorities and field organizer for the Nevada Republican Party. Prior to attending Hillsdale College, he received a B.A. in political science from the University of Nevada, Reno. His dissertation is on the political thought and statesmanship of James Monroe.

Research Interests

Political Thought of Cicero

Political Thought of the American Founding and Early Republic

American Electoral Institutions


Founder and Preserver: The Political Thought and Statesmanship of James Monroe (in progress)


"Partisan Politics and the Laws Which Shaped the First Congress." Dispatches: Podcast of the Journal of the American Revolution. July 10, 2022

Selected Articles