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Theodore Madrid

Ph.D. Candidate

Columbus, Ohio

Curriculum Vitae


B.A. Pontifical College Josephinum, Philosophy & Humanities, 2018

M.A. Hillsdale College, Politics, 2023

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“Here at Hillsdale friendship is prized highly, and the community is indeed full of authentic and richly satisfying friendships, without ever losing sight of the common goal which we strive together to attain: the truth. ”


Theodore Madrid was born in San Diego, CA, and moved to Columbus, OH, at a young age. There, he attended the Pontifical College Josephinum, graduating with a B.A. in Philosophy and Humanities, writing honors theses on Natural Law Theory and on the influence of the metaphysics of Pseudo-Dionysius on the development of Gothic architecture. The following year he completed a propaedeutic year at St. Charles in Philadelphia, where he studied Christian mystical theology. Returning to Columbus in 2019, he worked in project management and business finance while attending the Ohio State University for graduate school and was awarded a certificate in Leadership and Innovation upon partial completion of a master’s program under the same designation.

In 2021, Madrid matriculated to Hillsdale College’s Van Andel Graduate School of Statesmanship. He completed his M.A. in Politics in 2023 and is now writing his dissertation, anticipating the completion of the Ph.D. in Politics in Spring of 2026.

Awards & Fellowships

Nisbet Fellowship, Ciceronian Society, 2025

Founders Fellow, Philadelphia Society, 2024

United Nations Fellow, Christian Council International, 2024

Civitas Dei Fellow, Thomistic Institute, 2023

Institute for Human Ecology Fellow, Catholic University of America, 2023

Tertio Millennio Institute Fellow, Ethics & Public Policy Center, 2023


Ancient Greek




Conference Presentations

"Steady, Upright, and Impartial - Judicial Independence from External influence in the Federalist Papers." Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 2025.

"John Carroll and Religious Liberty: A Rapprochement of Roman Catholic and American Liberal Principles Regarding Religious Liberty." Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 2025.

"Prosperity and Piety: Insights from Smith and Montesquieu." Ciceronian Society, Harrisonburg, VA, March 2025.

"The Modern State and the Downfall of Tradition." Intercollegiate Studies Institute American Politics & Government Summit, Wilmington, DE, November 2024.

"Federal Involvement in K-12 Education: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Debates". Ohio Association of Economics and Political Scientists, Granville, OH, September 2024.

"Union and the Constitution in the Political Thought of Daniel Webster." Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 2024.

"Knowledge of the Divine and Natural: Platonic Dialectics in the Republic and Timaeus." CIRCE Institute FORMA Symposium, Belmont Abbey College, NC, January 2024.

"Fasting, Ferial, and Feasting Days: Liturgical Calendar as a Social Framework." Ciceronian Society, Belmont, NC, March 2023.

Dissertation (in progress)

Religious Liberty in the Thought of John Carroll (Dissertation Chair: Khalil Habib)