True False

Walker Frizzell

M.A. Student

Chattanooga, Tennessee


B.A. History & Politics, Bryan College

M.B.A. Marketing, Bryan College

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“Politics is often taught purely as a science by many universities, but Hillsdale recognizes that the complexity of political life necessitates moral and philosophical development to guide proper action. ”


Walker Frizzell is a first year M.A. student from Chattanooga, TN. He spent the year prior to joining Hillsdale teaching high school literature at New Colossus Academy, a hybrid school in Cookeville, TN. He hopes to return to Tennessee to resume teaching either at the collegiate or high school level. His hobbies include photography, weightlifting, reading, and backpacking sections of the Appalachian Trail with his family.

Research Interests

Early American Founding

Modern Progressivism